Friday, February 1, 2013

Hello Sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Ever had a song stuck in your head?! Boy do I have one!!! It's been there all morning! GooGoooDolls- "Don't Want The World To See Me"..... don't have a reason for it- it just is. So imagine that song and a bunch of determination and you have my morning!

Yay! I did it! Turn over (first turn mind you still have to add fertilizer and turn it again!) But I completed turning over and breaking ground and mashing up a whole whopping 13 X 17 rectangle of dirt! Just me and a shovel. Going to be my first garden ever. Well, I have had a few boxes in past, but my first ever designated space. 13 x 17 is damned near he size of entire yard I had entirely at the old house before we moved. Now I have this plus plus plus! Yay! It's like 2 yards in one! :) Yay!
whew. pooped... but happy! ..... no really tired now... Ha!
And this... (LOL Haha!Tatt is showing in my highwaters- LOL) ...This  below is the mini rock garden I have found along the way- so cute... I think the birds keep messing with them. They get re-arranged after I leave. :D

Okay- that's my morning. Now to go drink a ton of water and find some lunch... what sounds good? I'll probably have some left over Zitti.... maybe... or just drink some water and sit a bit..Ha! Happy Friday!!!!!!

1 comment:

CricketForestwater said...

I've had Penny Lane by the Beetles stuck in my head. Congrats on getting the land tilled! Again, I have to say how jealous I am! I would LOVE to have that much space to garden.