Wednesday, November 28, 2012


is it yours, or mine?
the definition is absolute-
to you
and to me
although we may never
see it the same-
it's all just a game.
we play along
roll with the tide
bring smiles and joy
or let fear abide
morals, truth, and honesty
all nice perceptions-
but in reality-
what's mine is mine
and yours is yours.
it's how we see
it's what will be
on this, at least,
 we can all agree

Monday, November 19, 2012

How I stopped Acne for us

I, like most others, suffered acne during my teen years, and again each time I was pregnant. The surges of hormones is just a killer on skin. My skin turned oily, and oh! the money I spent on products from creams to lotions, to toners and astringents! I must have funded clearasil and noxema for a few years running there. Back in the 80's, the options were limited. And always they over stripped my skin, and caused my skin to produce more oil to compensate -thus a rush and flood of pimples.  Always occurring the worst on important dates and the prom!
I wish I could take what I know now, and go back in time. I would never have had the problem, or the scars. Luckily, I have learned in time to help my sons, and their acne is no longer a problem. I will not have to go to any dermatologists and spend huge amounts of money on prescription acne products. The secret was shared with me from a good friend in AZ. She was Native American, and had been raised by her grandmother to use nature as an answer.
What did I learn?
The very simple solution for oily to normal skin - witchhazel and cotton pads. Witchhazel can be bought at any grocery store and is usually found for around $3 in the first aide section, beside the hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol. Generic brands are fine. I purchase 100% cotton pads in the cosmetic section for less than $2.00. This supply will last my two boys and myself for over a month, and no one is screaming about pimples here.
My routine is: every morning I splash water on my face, and then rub down with a witchhazel soaked pad. Simple. I actually recycled/reused an old noxema acne pads jar with a lid, and I refill it with pads to the top periodically, fill the container with enough witchhazel to just soak the pads, and keep the lid sealed so it does not dry out.  When the boys travel, I usually make them a ziploc bag filled with a few pads and just enough witchhazel to soak them with being drippy. This travels well and they have what they need!
My face is slightly different than my boys- age has given me small dry patches and true combination skin. To solve my problem of dry patches, I now have trashed all night creams and daily moisturizers for a simple $4.00 bottle of organic grapeseed oil. A few tiny drops covers my whole face, and the bottle lasts forever! Grapeseed oil does not clog pores, soaks in a few seconds,  relieves all dry spots, without over oiling the rest. All natural. I have not had a single pimple in a year! And I have stopped having to pay for outrageously priced moisturizers!

It works for us. It is all natural, and inexpensive. 

This is a simple solution for us, but it is not meant to replace your doctor's advise. Use at your own discretion.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Conditioner Only

I have thrown away shampoo.  
I have not completely gone off the store shelves, as far as hair care- yet. However,  I may soon. In reading I came across an article over a year ago that said some top models will not shampoo their hair days before a shoot- if ever- because of the fight for frizz and fuss that comes after, rather they will use only conditioner. I thought- ewwwwww! And then I googled it, read more, and thought, “Really?” 

I read more, and no longer thought ‘ewwwww’. 

My personal epiphany occurred when one blogger I read challenged any reader to pick up their shampoo and conditioner both and compare the back labels.  I did; and I was sold.  Virtually the exact same ingredients save one factor- suds. The blog then posed the simple question: why expose your hair, scalp, and skin to the same drying, dulling, and damaging  chemicals twice in a row? No wonder it dries it out, makes it less manageable – it’s not just squeaky clean- it’s stripped! 
So I tried it.  
And I haven’t touched shampoo since.
Amazing. It's just amazing.  I am floored, excited, and  slightly P-O'd I didn't understand this years ago and saved myself a small fortune on products I never needed.
It takes about 3-4 shampoos to be effective, because what has happened is that in the normal routine of our lives shampooing and then conditioning – we have stripped so much of the natural oils off our scalp and hair that it doesn’t produce a normal amount on its own anymore- it’s trained to be over stripped and thus mass produce huge amounts of oil to compensate.  Frankly, it takes about 3-5 showers of just using conditioner alone for your scalp to adjust and not belch out so much oil. But once it does, you’ll notice as you rinse- your fingers can still produce the clean squeak as they run through your hair- your brush can go bye bye, as a comb runs easily through.  Trimming split ends won’t be needed as fast either, as your hair isn’t as stripped of natural oils and not as dry- [depending on how much you blow dry or color.] I allow my curls to dry naturally, and I have virgin hair right now (no color) so I do not experience split ends occurring until about 4-5 months.

The trick lies in the scalp. Truthfully – healthy hair starts at the scalp. Wet your hair to the scalp. The first portion of conditioner must be focused on the scalp, then I get my fingers in there and really rub/massage it in to the roots- afterwards I pull it to the ends. If the weather wind has dried me out that day- I’ll add a bit more to the ends before rinsing.  That’s it. It’s wonderful. It works! And I have been able to throw away the anti-frizz products, the mousse, and the dry ends serum.  Saving a huge fortune on hair products.

Hint 2:  If you do use huge amounts of styling products, the best way to remove them is with a apple cider vinegar rinse. ½ c ACV to ½ c warm water – after conditioning, rinse with acv mix – slightly rinse out (the smell evaporates off  quick)  and wahh-lah, soft silky naturally clean without styling products residue.

Honey and Cinnamon

A wonderful, natural remedy and help for cold season is 1 teaspoon honey (raw) mixed with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon. Helps with symptoms during a cold. Taken 3x a day, this is even said to shorten the length of a cold. Taken as preventative measure is said to build up immune system and stop a cold from getting you.
Certainly helps a raw scratchy throat.

Just a helpful note: not meant to replace Dr.'s advice.

Friday, November 9, 2012

changes for a season

Well, this morning I am cold-
Fingers are chilled to the bone.
I've slipped my socks and shoes on.
Has old man winter come at last?
Or, is it just a fact that-
 the sun is tired-
 Has laid his head to rest.
 Readying for a death of season
 Rejoice in rebirth of  reason!
To move, and strive, and live again!
The citrus blooms,
As the clover spreads.
The coyotes howl
and the rattlesnake beds.
I shall not lay down my head.
For there is more left to do-
the season begins so soon-
Time draws down another moon.
 Janey - Nov. 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I have been so absorbed in this2012 election I could barely think of other things. For that I apologise. I have never had such a time as this- where politics actually felt personal to me. The gross and absurd declarations that were coming from the mouths of the tea party candidates just got to me- grabbed me and sparked a fire I could not stop until I saw it through. I am so grateful Obama made it to another term! I am fully aware of the conspiracy theories and those out there who feel Obama is just as bad as the alternate. No surprises there. However, I couldn't stomache the horrible things the republican party was trying to endorse.
With that said, I have neglected my poetry, my thoughts, and my ramblings far too long, so i am erasing political pushes and rants and raves for now and moving on.... and going to try to start over. Tis the season.
Happy Wednesday! Hope it has been a good one for you!