Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday Walk and Talk-

This week has been a whirl wind, a tailspin, and a frazzled frizzled mess.  I won't list all the reasons, but this happens sometimes. Some weeks- some days even- just come together and others do not. What do you do?
 I am understanding more and more, as I get older, that days like that can really define the kind of person you are.  What do you do? If you focus on the stumbles, the problems, and or the stresses- so much so they are all you see- they can define you! Even to the point where you can develop a certain "victim" attitude. (I am not talking of tragedy, or horrific catastrophic events either- I fully separate those right off  as different and not part of this conversation)... I am talking daily struggles, like your kid comes down with the flu, paychecks fall short, car breaks down, bills are due, neighbors dog chewed a hole in the fence,  the heater broke- stuff that could occur on any given day regularly to throw off the norm and cause stress in the day, or bring down your momentum.
Does that make sense?
Some people focus so much on them that their life becomes a rolling diary of stress, almost as if they are just poised and ready for the next negative event so they can have something to talk about. They develop a soap opera mentality about it and it does eventually define them. it's unfortunate, but very true. Often if they wait for a negative and one doesn't come, they create one just to use! How self defeating is that! But they do!
So how do you handle it? What do you do?
I used to do that- I used to be that -and OMG was it exhausting! Every time I'd repeat a stressor I'd feel a sense of the initial stress over again and it kept my whole being in a constant state of fight or flight- and that's just flat out-...well? exhausting! ...Whew! Take a deep breathe and hummm for a second... time out! What!?!  Why would anyone do that consistently is beyond hurts! It's draining! It's self defeating! It's physically paining! depressing! and above all- DEFINING!
 Is that what you want to be?
 Is that what I want to be?
As I am growing older, I am finding that it is easier to focus on retelling my random day by repeating only the amazing- rather than the stress... by saying the positives to others, I am not pulling attention to the daily typical stress- I'm bringing attention to the good -and not just allowing what has happened to be more than it is- a problem that has a solution and goes away as soon as I figure it out. Simple- when looked at it that way- not quite so...DEFINING. Is it?

Remember, focus on what is good. 
If you think, speak, and act positive, you will attract positive.
Harm none.
 And Love...                                         
                                                          kitty kisses in the morning! Yay!


Michele Bilyeu said...

You've got great energy, a thoughtful blog, some wonderful perceptions, loving and lovely cats and hubby and yes, beautiful 'mud-green' eyes! Have a wonderful week and thank you for connecting your positive energies with mine!

Janey McK said...

Brightest Blessings to you! Thank you.