Thursday, February 28, 2013

Canning days

Days come and go,
some smoothly, some not
How it is interpreted-
depends on what you put in the pot.

HaHa! I got on a bit of a roll the past few days, crafty kitchen kind of roll. I first made candles. Actually just re-purposed /reused my old candle containers and refilled them with some new soy wax and used orange and cinnamon essential oils to give them a scenty yummy kick! Wonderful!
But that just got things started! 

Our first time ever canning anything! We tried simply- tomatoes- and they turned out perfect! So happy!

We celebrated our little old fashioned endeavor with an early afternoon BBQ.  Felt great to add jar to the shelf, knowing they contained nothing more than fresh ingredients. 

 The experience continued when memories of canned items on grandma's shelf inspired me to look up apple butter- which used to be one of my top favorites as a child. I was impressed with how easy it looked to make! So I made it! LOL Took all day, and I especially understood that I'll need to get a sieve soon if I plan to keep this up! 
But there it was- our second canning event! Apple butter! Yay!!!!!

Between it all the Snow Full moon peaked out. Loved it! Wonderful!  How have you been this last week?

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