Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I have been so absorbed in this2012 election I could barely think of other things. For that I apologise. I have never had such a time as this- where politics actually felt personal to me. The gross and absurd declarations that were coming from the mouths of the tea party candidates just got to me- grabbed me and sparked a fire I could not stop until I saw it through. I am so grateful Obama made it to another term! I am fully aware of the conspiracy theories and those out there who feel Obama is just as bad as the alternate. No surprises there. However, I couldn't stomache the horrible things the republican party was trying to endorse.
With that said, I have neglected my poetry, my thoughts, and my ramblings far too long, so i am erasing political pushes and rants and raves for now and moving on.... and going to try to start over. Tis the season.
Happy Wednesday! Hope it has been a good one for you!

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